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  1. Graduate Students Host Research Symposium

    Resources (SENR) graduate students hosted their annual student research symposium on April 22 at the Fawcett ... their current research and network with environment and natural resources organizations.   Key ... Timber Rattlesnakes for Best Graduate Research Poster, sponsored by the Ohio Environmental Council  ...

  2. SENR Announcements, May 17

    Health in the Penn State  College of Agricultural Sciences. Dr. Becot will oversee research, extension ... helping shine a light on your research, outreach, and teaching. If you'd like to submit content for ...

  3. Financial Maturity: A Guide to Increasing Financial Returns From Your Woodland

    Kennell 3 in which they present financial maturity guidelines based on their research in uneven-aged ... the authors' research, if the butt log will increase in grade within the period of evaluation (10 ...

  4. Triticale as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    throughout the Midwest by providing educational/outreach resources and programs, conducting new research, and ...

  5. Prairie establishment and restoration at Waterman

    education, offering dynamic opportunities for teaching, research, and community engagement in the heart of ...

  6. Pulsed Electric Field Processing Applications in the Food Industry

    bacterial spores. Ongoing research suggests that PEF in combination with heat may inactivate bacterial ... spores, but more comprehensive research is needed before PEF can be used as a sterilization method. To ... Janahar, Graduate research associate and doctoral student, Department of Food Science and Technology, The ...

  7. Lawn Mowing

    (common) 1.0 to 2.0   Mowing height plays a crucial role in preventing weed establishment. Research has ...

  8. The Benefits of a Healthy Diet for Children with ADHD

    FCS-1003 Family and Consumer Sciences 06/16/2022 Marino H. Markho, Undergraduate Research ... Assistant, College of Education and Human Ecology Lisa M. Robinette and Sarah Beth Dunn, Graduate Research ... diet supplies a higher amount of the most beneficial nutrients. Research shows that many children with ...

  9. EPN Summer Field Trip Series- Tuesday, June 11, 2024: 99 years of science and learning on Ohio’s Gibraltar

    combination of science education and research. Stone Lab and Ohio Sea Grant island staff will show first-hand ... Erie and the research, education, and outreach facility of the Ohio Sea Grant College Program. Ohio Sea ... passion for education and research as well as a close up look at Civil War financier Jay Cooke's ...

  10. Graduate Exit Seminar- Julia Linder

    long-term fruit production of their plants. Despite these different risks, most social science research in ...
