
Search results

  1. Brian Iaffaldano

    as fitness traits of any hybrid that may form. Other areas of research included molecular marker ...

  2. Muhammad Akbar Abdul Ghaffar

    mainly on Taraxacum kok-saghyz. Additional research interests are other rubber producing plants namely ...

  3. Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens Open House Celebration

    answer questions. Tours include: research lake, energy-efficient enCORE solar house, pollinator garden, ...

  4. Prof. Katrina Cornish

    Prof. Katrina Cornish Endowed Chair, Ohio Research Scholar, Bioemergent Materials 108A Williams ... and is the first Ohio Research Scholar to be appointed. She leads a program in alternate rubber ...

  5. Researchers are Using Tomato Peels and Eggshells to Make Tires

    Researchers at OSU have discovered that food waste, specifically tomato peels and eggshells, makes ...

  6. Seminars

    Poland, May 9; University of Gent, Belgium, May 15. 2009 “Biomacromolecular Engineering Research Group ...

  7. Posters

    Please click on the categories listed on the left to see our research posters. ...

  8. Scaling up the Synthesis of Novel Poly(ethylene glycol) Based Dendrimers for Targeted Drug Delivery Applications (NSF Phase II SBIR to Enzyme Catalyzed Polymers LLC; subcontract to the Puskas group)

    Puskas group)   This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project is aimed at the design and ...

  9. DMR-0804878 Special Creativity Extension 2014-2016

    properties. Thus the proposed project, a continuation of our PIB-related research, has both theoretical and ...

  10. MGV Workshop & Membership Meeting

    Research Center Staff Dessert Buffet Plant Swap- Bring one/Take one Tool Sharpening available on-site for ...
