
Search results

  1. Biopesticide Controls of Plant Diseases: Resources and Products for Organic Farmers in Ohio

    Resources American Phytopathology Society (APSnet). APS is a global community of researchers that provides ... in Ohio ( Organic Food and Farming Education and Research Program (OFFER). OFFER is ... a group of researchers from The Ohio State University that offers research and education for organic ...

  2. Potassium

    and racial/ethnic groups have little effect on the amount of sodium and potassium consumed. Research ... been linked to a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Recent research shows a protective ...

  3. Utilizing Secondary Data for Business Retention and Expansion Planning and Reporting

    objective because it is usually collected with the purpose of addressing a particular research problem or ... Andreas Breitling, Pixabay. Secondary data is information which a researcher has not collected or created ... data resources: General population research can be conducted through the U.S. Census Bureau’s Decennial ...

  4. Dr. Melanie Lewis Ivey

    Wooster, with responsibility for research, extension and teaching in fruit crop diseases. Lewis Ivey’s ... research focuses on the development and integration of economical and sustainable practices to reduce plant ... diseases in small and tree fruit and hops. Lewis Ivey has conducted research in temporal and sub-tropical ...

  5. Produce Safety and Flooded Fields

    Research is still being done on these topics but early results suggest that internalization such as this is ... Food Animal Health Research Program; Don Eckert, School of Environment and Natural Resources; Robert ...

  6. Healthy Cooking for One or Two

    researchers found that frequent cooking at home leads to consuming fewer calories both at home and when eating ...

  7. Chestnut Anthracnose

    PLPATH-FRU-0051 Agriculture and Natural Resources 10/27/2022 Amy Miller, Graduate Research ...

  8. Nurturant Grandfathering: Investment Work

    Research indicates, even after accounting for the amount of contact, there is a moderately strong tie ... his grandchild’s personal development. Benefits to Grandfathers Research on grandfathers who ... fulfilling his role in the family. Research shows that grandfathers who engaged in investment work also ...

  9. Corn Yield Response to Damage from Strong Storms

    Research was conducted on Ohio-targeted stand reductions of 17, 33, and 50% at 7-leaf (V5), 10-leaf (V8), ... resulted in an overall grain yield reduction of 30%. This research helps illustrate that yield loss can ... While defoliation was not imposed at the same time the stand reduction research was conducted, trials ...

  10. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2015-16

    study adds to existing research on Ohio farmland values and cash rents that can assist producers and ... landowners with purchase and rental decisions. Existing research is available by searching at ...
