
Search results

  1. Neonatal Calf Management Workshop: A Cool Experience for the Serious Calf Raiser

    Neonatal Calf Management Workshop will be held near Wooster on the campus of the Ohio Agricultural Research ...

  2. From Weaning to Freshening, Dairy Heifer Care and Management Workshop: Fun for the Serious Heifer Raiser

    held near Wooster on the campus of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. A detailed ...

  3. Greenhouse Engineering Technology program launched

    research/teaching greenhouses, and equipment suppliers. After completing the program, students are expected to have ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Mr. Alex Tebbe, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ...

  5. NEWS: New Greenhouse Program Launched

    research/teaching greenhouses, and equipment suppliers. After completing the program, students are expected to have ...

  6. Controlling Pasture Flies on Cattle

    settings.  From an economic standpoint, horn flies cause the most damage.  Research indicates that a good ...

  7. Team Science and the Role of Research Development Professionals

    Federal agencies are increasingly allocating funding to address societal Grand Challenges. Universities understand that mounting successful efforts in response require team science approaches.  RA/RD professionals play an essential role in supporting thes ...

  8. Even With $20/cwt Milk, Controlling Feed Cost Is Important,

    a supplement to visual observation and management. Research indicates that standing heat identification is ... (University of Nebraska). Table 1 shows research conducted by the University of Arkansas with regards to the ...

  9. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Alex Tebbe, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University ...

  10. MFA Art Installation

    installed a bathtub filled with glass bubbles in our Arboretum North research lake. It is titled Bath Time ...
