
Search results

  1. Handling Dairy Manure

    satisfy the needs of the variety of operations in place today or being planned. Experience and research ...

  2. Nothing Stands Still: High Moisture Corn and Corn Silage is Different in Summer than in the Fall and Winter

    change.  Researchers at the University of Wisconsin (Hoffman et al., 2011, J. Dairy Science 94:2465) ...

  3. Write Winning Grant Proposals

    Research.   This all-day presentation is the cornerstone of Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops ...

  4. When is the Best Time to Market Cull Cows?

    Nutrient prices can be used to calculate a benchmark for feed costs. All these years of research have ... the National Research Council (2001) requirements are presented in Table 4. The cost of feeding for ...

  5. Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms

    these years of research have resulted in relatively precise nutrient requirements for milk production. ... Results of the calculations using the National Research Council (2001) requirements are presented in Table ...

  6. Compost Bedded Pack Dairy Barns in Ohio

    preliminary research to analyze the design and management recommendations; document current practices; and ... system. Four Ohio dairy farms using a compost bedded pack system were studied by OSU researchers to assess ...

  7. Dairy Market Update Participation in the Margin Protection Program: Ohio by County With the official sign-up ... my website: Chart 2. MPP-Dairy 2015 ...

  8. Evaluating Sources

    reliable and very useful for research. Opinions can be useful for a topic like "college ... professors' perceptions of facebook". Both can be used in research, but it depends on the paper topic. ...

  9. Educational Videos

    Algae research project in Wayne County is looking to reduce carbon emissions and make biofuel from the ...

  10. Northwest Nutrient Management and Placement Field Day

    Northwest Agricultural Research Station, 4240 Range Line Road in Custar in Wood County. Registration for ...
