
Search results

  1. Alumnus Receives Bouffault International Award

    Emeritus Professor, he remains active in the department and continues to do applied research in ... mentored scientists in developing countries through collaborations and cooperative research in India and ... a meritorious scientific contribution by way of teaching, research or other service to animal agriculture in one ...

  2. Export Controls for Departmental Research Administrators

    In this 1.5 hour session geared toward staff, learn about explain export control regulations and discuss how the university’s missions are impacted. Travel, non-citizen personnel involvement, shipping, and sharing of data are among the most common activit ...

  3. Upcoming CFAES Study Abroad Deadlines

    China: Food Safety, Security and Production ·         China: Forest Research ·         England: The Art ...

  4. Postdoc Orientation: The Essentials

    President of Research, and Patrick Osmer, Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate ... School.) Administrative and academic leaders will also provide information regarding: the research ... order can be made. This session will be also be available via videoconference in 130 Research Services ...

  5. CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum ...

  6. OSU Waterman Dairy Farm

    Jerseys in milk and approximately 165 replacement heifers. The farm facilitates research, gives tours to ...

  7. Post-award Grant/Contract Management Workshop

    May 19, 2016 10:00- 11:30 am Research Services 130 Please join us for Post-Award Grant/Contract ...

  8. Get to Know Central State University, Ohio’s 1890 Land Grant Institution

    Land Grant University, creating new challenges and opportunities for agricultural research and ...

  9. Animal Sciences Recognition Banquet 2013

    researchers who displayed their research posters at the CFAES and Denman Undergraduate Research Forums. Next, ...

  10. Calf Research on Dairy Farm

    calf research project. The overall goal of the project is to reduce disease prevalence and increase ... with a research project from mid- October 2015 to June 2016. The employee will be trained to restrain ...
