
Search results

  1. Corn Silage Harvest Preparation

    research trials have demonstrated that the oxygen barrier 2-step products have reduced losses more than ...

  2. Corn Stalks Offer A Low Cost Feed Option

    2000 National Research Council’s (NRC) Nutrient Requirement of beef cattle, mature cattle in ...

  3. Being a PI at Ohio State: Roles and Responsibilities

    offer an introductory overview of the various Office of Research support units and the services they ... provide to researchers. We will also discuss the pre- and post-award processes associated with research ... administration at Ohio State. This session is open to all members of the research team. RSVP for This Event ...

  4. Local Food Week

    foods.  We know that the benefits of local are many, but research indicates that foods purchased locally ...

  5. DOE

      Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC) The Energy Frontier Research Centers program aims to ... the atomic and molecular scales. Bioenergy Research Centers (BRC) The ultimate goal for the three DOE ... Bioenergy Research Centers is to better understand the biological mechanisms underlying biofuel production ...

  6. Shopping and Our Spending Habits

    assimilate this behavior as normal. Current research suggests that repeatedly using shopping to offset ...

  7. Managing for High Quality Stored Forage

    a significant decline in quality for each day of harvest delay.  Research suggests that on average, relative ...

  8. Maintaining or Improving Milk Components

    there is research to suggest that feed push up in the first couple of hours post-feeding produces the ...

  9. Worker Protection Standard Compliance Manual

    employed and the nature of the work.  University research farms and greenhouses also fall under WPS, as ...

  10. Keep Important Papers Organized & Safe

    I was at a state meeting yesterday where some interesting research was shared.  In essence Duke ...
