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Local Food Week
foods. We know that the benefits of local are many, but research indicates that foods purchased locally ...
Shopping and Our Spending Habits
assimilate this behavior as normal. Current research suggests that repeatedly using shopping to offset ...
Secrest Arboretum
Although it is a research arboretum, over 7,000 people visit the gardens annually. The Ohio Nursery, ...
Managing for High Quality Stored Forage
a significant decline in quality for each day of harvest delay. Research suggests that on average, relative ...
Pounden Hall Technology Development Center
Phase I building focused on providing space for individuals and firms working with OARDC researchers and ...
Western Nutrient Management and Placement Field Day
21 at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s Western Agricultural Research Station, ... 7721 S. Charleston Pike in South Charleston in Clark County. OARDC is the college’s research arm. How ...
Maintaining or Improving Milk Components
there is research to suggest that feed push up in the first couple of hours post-feeding produces the ...
Summer or winter, ice wine from Ohio is hot (there’s science behind it)
San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition. Steiner conducts research that helps Ohio winemakers ... Together, they deliver the only long-term, university-backed research program serving Ohio’s grape and wine ...
Spent foundry sand’s second life: OK to use in some soils
Dayton, research scientist, both in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, did an intensive ... analysis of SFS in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service. ...
Martin to lead Field to Faucet water program, has ‘ability to bring people together’
Engineering. For the past 10 years, he has focused his research on the Lake Erie basin in concert with ... the interdisciplinary nature of protecting coastal areas. Through that research, he said, “It became ...