
Search results

  1. Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure

    Research on applying liquid livestock manure as a spring top-dress fertilizer to wheat has been ... In addition to the Peecon toolbar, OSU Extension as also conducted manure research on wheat using the ... has been utilized with on-farm research plots when topdressing wheat. Dairy manure contains far less ...

  2. OSU Weed Science Field Day

    Research Station.  Registration starts at 8:30 and a field tour with presentations by OSU faculty, staff ... event.  Address of the research station – 7721 South Charleston Pike, South Charleston, OH.  Location ...

  3. Precision Ag Field Day (Hardin County)

    field research shows that placing nutrients below ground dramatically decreases potential for nutrient ...

  4. An Apple a Day...

    could cling to the skin or penetrate through minor blemishes.   Research done at the University of Maine ...

  5. Precision Ag Field Day August 23

    field research shows that placing nutrients below ground dramatically decreases potential for nutrient ...

  6. It’s All About Perspective

    to day activities with an intense focus, to just get this task done. There are mounds of research on ...

  7. The Ohio Sensitive Crop Registry

    Fruit and Vegetable Weed Management specialist and Roger Downer, OSU/OARDC Research Associate with ...

  8. Manage for High Quality Corn Silage

    overlap and weigh that plastic down, sealing the edges as well.  University research trials have ...

  9. What accounts for variability in grain protein levels in corn?

    Percent Protein (reported on a 0% grain moisture basis or dry matter basis) at three OSU research farms. ... Percent Protein (reported on a 15.5% grain moisture basis) at three OSU research farms. ...

  10. Nitrogen Value of Spring Applied Manure

    University Extension has conducted manure research on growing crops for several years in an effort to make ... better use of the available nutrients. The manure research trial in Table 1 was conducted over four years ... at the Northwest Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s Hoytville location. The swine ...
