
Search results

  1. Beef Unit Manager

    research, teaching, and outreach programs associated with the Animal Sciences Department Beef Cattle Unit. ...

  2. About Us

    extension programming and agricultural safety and health research. Meet the faculty and staff of the ...

  3. OSU Extension Training Reaches Nearly 1 Million Acres To Improve Water Quality

    fertilizer to more than 50 acres to become certified. The training was developed by Ohio State researchers ... and educators to provide research-based tactics that keep nutrients in the field and available to ... research focused on nutrient management. Nutrient Stewardship for Cleaner Water is a signature program of ...

  4. News: Chow Line: Test dairy, nutrition IQ with MyPlate Quizzes

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and its outreach and research arms, Ohio State University Extension and ... the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Martha ...

  5. Information and Research Internship

    USTA has an internship for this summer as an info/ research intern. Duties include performing ...

  6. Ohio Nutrient Management Mobile Applications

    information at the farm level? Researchers are The Ohio State University soon will have an App for that. ...  research team lead by John Fulton, an Ohio State University Extension machine and precision systems ...

  7. The Ohio Academy of Science Annual Meeting

    more students and professionals who may already be presenting their research on a campus this fall or ...

  8. Managing Your Aches and Pains in the Winter

    joint symptoms… researchers have been unable to figure out just what matters most about the weather and ...

  9. 2012 CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    The CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum was a successful event for all. Good luck to those going on ...

  10. ESS Templates & Brand Guidelines

    research graphs and charts that represents our dedication to the natural environment, including shades of ... green, blue and golden brown. Using the templates and color palette All research materials created by the ... Research materials created by the ESS Lab should use the color palette for secondary colors such as on ...
