
Search results

  1. You Input Is Vital: Dairy Farmers Needs Survey

    and OARDC Research Scientists working together to bring the latest information to Ohio’s dairy ...

  2. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Alex Tebbe, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University ...

  3. Observations from Tour of Matlink Dairy in New York

    dairy producers, OSU research and Extension faculty, students, and agri-business people took a one day ... Research and Development Authority (NYTSERDA), Ted Mathews, owner of Matlink Dairy, began construction of ...

  4. Release of eXtension for Dairy Cattle

    with access to objective, research-based information and educational opportunities. The features of ...

  5. Results from Research Supported by the Ohio Dairy Research Fund

    Research Fund was developed to support research by voluntary dairy producer contributions. Much research is ... products. Since 1982, over $730,000 in producer investments have funded research that has greatly benefited ... Ohio's dairy industry. From time to time, results of this research will be included in the Buckeye Dairy ...

  6. Dietary Calcium and Magnesium Deficiency in Dry Cows

    0.5% calcium slightly exceeded the National Research Council (NRC) calcium requirements.  Calcium ... highest concentrations of calcium averaged 4 and 0%, respectively.  The bottom line from this research is ...

  7. Ohio State Places Second at National North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge

    are training for careers in the dairy industry as farmers, researchers, educators, financial analysts, ...

  8. Who's Who

    with an 80% Extension and 20% research appointment. His primary area of responsibility is dairy herd ...

  9. Provide Water to Baby Calves

    increases starter intake and weight gain.  In a research study that compared calves provided with free ...

  10. Controlled Lighting in Dry Period Increases Production in the Following Lactation

    initial investment in additional lighting needed in some barns. Continuing research is increasing our ... cows. Recent research at the University of Illinois (Hall et al., 2005) is exploring the impact of ... their response is as great as older cows. Current research results indicate that the SDPP is needed for ...
