
Search results

  1. Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum

    category at the Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum.  His presentation was titled “Flavoromics to ...

  2. Using Protocols to Train Farm Employees

    or built upon solid research, adapted to your farm situation. Training around the written protocols ...

  3. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April Frye White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ...

  4. Ohio Dairy Challenge, November 2019

    Animal Sciences), and Kelly Mitchell (Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences). Shaun Wellert ...

  5. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Alex Tebbe   and April Frye, Graduate Research Associates, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio ...

  6. Agronomy

    Forage Information Center Purdue University Forage Information US Dairy Forage Research Center University ... of Wisconsin: Forage Research and Extension West Virginia University Forage-Livestock Systems ...

  7. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Alex Tebbe, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University ...

  8. Raising Dairy Calves: Reading Personality of the Calves can be Important

    these differences to dairy calves? Previous research has revealed that food animals that are generally ... lifetime production efficiency. Given this prior knowledge, researchers at the Animal Welfare Program at ... from this research are: Personality traits explain individual variability in the development of feeding ...

  9. Understanding Drivers of Flavor Quality Using Flavoromics

    A core commitment of the Flavor Research and Education Center (FREC) is to support the advancement ... impedes consumption and thus health impact. Historically, flavor research has focused on improving flavor ... tasting products. Geoff Dubrow, a PhD candidate in the Flavor Research and Center, is focused on further ...

  10. Edibilomics: Using Metabolomics in Food-Related Research

    applicability to food and nutrition-related research. Metabolomics aims to profile the totality of chemical ...
