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Ohio State Maple Syrup available
scholarships, and research projects at the Mansfield campus EcoLab, of which the sugarbush is a part, said one ... location would be great for tapping,” Smith said. “So, what began as a research and teaching class, led to ... maple syrup program does. The team also works with maple syrup producers statewide, providing research ...
A Brief History of Extension
educational function of land-grant universities needs to be supplemented with research capabilities. The Hatch ... Act was passed in 1887 to establish research farms where universities could conduct research into ...
Student Cooperative Start-up Toolkit
Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) program of USDA focused on enhancing the student-led cooperative ...
Research Publications
challenges, and priorities for future research. BMC Genomics 18:191. DOI 10.1186/s12864-017-3557-1 Bibha ... rate and fry survival prior to the onset of exogenous feeding in yellow perch. Aquaculture Research ... pedigrees. Aquaculture research 42:1694-1702. (PDF) *Gao, Z., H.P. Wang, H. Yao, W. Wang and L.G. Tiu. ...
Zoller and Barrett Named to Interim OSU Extension Positions
served as an Extension educator in Tuscarawas County, where he conducted programming and research on farm ... and relevance of his work, and the impact of his programs and research. David Civittolo ...
The Controlled Environment Agriculture Research Complex
the forefront of controlled environment food production research will make a difference. The focus in ... this facility—research of modern, sustainable food production technologies, including soilless and ... of Horticulture and Crop Science. “It also will be interdisciplinary research and innovation.” In ...
Copyright Information
the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, or the College of Food, Agricultural, and ... University Extension and want to use information from research or our published materials, you must obtain ... law did not exclude Extension and research stations from copyright protection even though some funds ...
Ohio State ATI adds new certificate program
throughout the state and works with industry in research and development. Now it will serve as a teaching ...
CFAES conference offers resources on production and management for growing organic grains
No-till Soybeans Conference speakers will include CFAES researchers, specialists, and educators whose work ... consultant at the Rodale Institute, a Pennsylvania-based nonprofit organics research organization; soil ... fertility specialist Steve Culman, of Washington State University; and Eugene Law, a researcher with the ...
Yogurt may be the next go-to garlic breath remedy
scent from escaping into the air. Researchers tested the garlic deodorizing capacity of yogurt and its ... out. For each treatment experiment, the researchers placed equal amounts of raw garlic in glass bottles ... researchers theorized. The findings are a good foundation for future studies analyzing a variety of proteins ...