
Search results

  1. Tomato Technologies for Tomorrow

    University researchers Drs. Rafiq Islam and Arif Rahman and Thom Harker. Highlights/focus areas of this event ...

  2. Preparing Your Dairy Herd for the Fall Football Season

    prepare.  Day Length The most consistent research response many university and farm data in the northern ...

  3. Aquaculture team publish two papers in prestigious journals

    a prestigious journal published by the Public Library of Science.  In this paper, researchers state that the ... top-ranked aquaculture/fish journals.  In this study, researchers found that the dosage and time of ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ...

  5. Beau Ingle

    He previously worked in the CFAES’ Office of International Programs administering research and ... advance CFAES global teaching and learning, research, and outreach. BS- Zoology- The Ohio State University ...

  6. 2022 Congressional Assistants Tour

    Affairs, that informs and updates our federal legislative offices on the cutting-edge teaching, research ... college leadership, faculty, and staff; tour university research labs and field sites; and visit local ... workforce and economy, and with professional connections with issue-area research and extension ...

  7. Genetics & Genomics

    interest provide tools to improve traits in the desired direction. Research interests and focuses:  SNPs ...

  8. John McCormick

    John McCormick Research Associate Soybean and Forage Program 2347 W. Case Rd., Columbus ...

  9. The Benefits of a Healthy Diet for Children with ADHD

    and a healthy diet supplies a higher amount of the most beneficial nutrients. Research shows that many ... issues, a new study suggests. As part of a larger study, researchers asked parents of 134 kids with ADHD ...

  10. Largemouth Bass

    program. Research focuses:   Quantify genetic variation of different wild and cultured strains.  Identify ...
