
Search results

  1. Clark earns funding for novel technology commercialization

    the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering, is researching  solar air ...

  2. Karen M. Mancl

    conducted research, written and taught the subject for 40 years.  Dr. Mancl is Past-President of the Ohio ... Soil Environment Technology Learning Lab.  At this outdoor teaching and research facility, Drs. Mancl ... 2010 she received a second MA Degree in East Asian Studies and conducts research and teaches wastewater ...

  3. Dr. Tiffany Halsell

    2017 from the College of Education and Human Ecology where her research focused on exploring the impact ...

  4. Register Now for the January 4-5 Ohio State Organic Grains Conference

    Research (OFFER) program. Continuing education credits will be available for Certified Crop Advisors ...

  5. Post Doc interview

    Room 100 (Wooster) Silvia Valles, Graduate Research Assistant Monday, December 4, 2023- 9:00am to ...

  6. GSAC Graduate Student Breakfast

    the Office for Research and Graduate Education!  ...

  7. Prioritize Time With Family and Friends During Holiday Season

    No one gets to grade you on your gratitude.  She points out that in 2020, researchers at The Ohio ...

  8. 2023 CFAES Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Speaker Series

    Systems, Policy, Research, and Evaluation, Center for Public Health Innovation Description:  The COVID-19 ... research. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Food Science from the University of Kentucky, and ... security research coordination and research translation, she recently began working as a Policy Analyst at ...

  9. Why get a graduate degree?

    a wealth of opportunities for your career. For those who are interested in research, a graduate degree can ... give you the experience it takes to become an established researcher in your area. If you are ...

  10. Colostrum Is Important To Newborn Goats or  330-264-8722 CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on ...
