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  1. Insurance

    for other purposes such as dissertation research, lab or field studies, conference attendance or ...

  2. Other Art Features

    the tub into our Arboretum North research lake. It is titled Bath Time and pays homage to that special ...

  3. CFAES Celebration of Research Week – April 8-12

    The CFAES annual Celebration of Research Week will highlight the successes of the college’s ... research community. One of the week’s special events is the CFAES Research Forum Poster Competition. Click ... Another event happening during research week is the CFAES Research Forum Awards Ceremony and Luncheon. For ...

  4. CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Offers Workshops

    CFAES is committed to ensuring that all of its research and related educational programming are ...

  5. National Extension Conference on Volunteerism Accepting Proposals for 2025 Conference

    The National Extension Conference on Volunteerism Planning Committee is seeking workshop, research ...

  6. OSP and CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education Hold Office Hours

    The Office of Sponsored Programs and the CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education provide ...

  7. Ohio Chapter International Society of Arboriculture Allée

    owner of Begonia Park and Company, is responsible for the research, selection, installation, and ...

  8. CITI RCR Training Update

    research-eligible faculty, staff, trainees, and students will be required to complete the newly updated ... Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training every four ...

  9. Leveraging Social Annotation to Enhance Students’ Primary Research Literacy

    Leveraging Social Annotation to Enhance Students’ Primary Research Literacy Primary research ... articles are vital for both researchers and practitioners in staying up to date on new discoveries, ... students' primary research article literacy through content expert guided causal mechanistic reasoning ...

  10. CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Offers Workshops

    CFAES is committed to ensuring that all of its research and related educational programming are ...
