
Search results

  1. How to grow grass even greener

    Facing Bees: OSU Research and What Can Be Done to Improve the Situation.” To contact the sources: Joe ...

  2. Integrated Disease Management Helps Ohio’s Grape Industry Thrive

    Over the past 35 years, Mike Ellis and OSU plant pathologists have conducted research to develop ... of disease management options. For example, our research studies have determined that infection by ... friendly" fungicides for registration in Ohio crops. The research has enabled us to effectively use all ...

  3. 8 ways a city’s vacant lots can be good for the environment

    which promotes integrating research and education. Part of the project includes developing a high school ...

  4. 2 new ways to avoid latex allergies

    many gloves are now made,” said Katrina Cornish, Ohio Research Scholar and endowed chair in bioemergent ...

  5. Teaming up with farmers to protect Ohio’s water

    project leader Elizabeth Dayton (pictured), research scientist in the School of Environment and Natural ...

  6. Most farmers willing to take steps to protect water, says study done near lake Erie

    think the action will work and also will help their farms. So says new research by OARDC scientist Robyn ...

  7. Ohio Ag Hall of Fame inductees have CFAES ties

    marketers, elected officials, researchers, fair managers and consumers have all benefited from Isler’s ... communities through research-based educational programming. His career began as an agricultural science ...

  8. Mitchell outreach and engagement list

    School, Enloe High School, and Broughton High School in research projects at NCSU 2003-2007 Laurinburg ... Charter High School - negotiated equipment donation by Fisher Scientific and provided 1-day research ... Developed 4 molecular biology research activity kits and rotations to North Carolina High Schools 2002-2007 ...

  9. Fall Student Poster Forum

    Thompson Library, Buckeye Reading Room and Multipurpose Room.  Visit our undergraduate researchers ...

  10. 14 billion ways honey bees let you eat

    programs with Ohio beekeeper groups, and starting a statewide network of 28 research and demonstration ...
