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Most farmers willing to take steps to protect water, says study done near lake Erie
think the action will work and also will help their farms. So says new research by OARDC scientist Robyn ...
Wendong Zhang Awarded the 2014 Bernie Erven Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award
NOAA/Ohio Sea Grant and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). He was recognized by ... through research awards at the North American Regional Science Conference and the Midwest Graduate Student ...
2012 Best Doctoral Research Manuscript Awards
Livy and Wendong Zhang for winning the department's 2012 award for best doctoral research ... research papers is below. The AEDE department would also like to thank the Award Committee, which was ... the manuscripts. Winners – 2012 Best Doctoral Research Manuscript Mitch Livy – Dissecting Open Space: ...
Precision Farming Adoption in Ohio: Current Adoption and Anticipated Future Innovation
focus on his research on "Precision farming adoption in Ohio: Current adoption and anticipated ...
Alessandra Faggian Appointed Co-Editor of Papers in Regional Science
journal Papers in Regional Science. In this role, Dr. Faggian will focus on regional science research ... related to the Americas. Dr. Faggian’s research interests lie in the fields of regional and urban ...
Technological Change in Crop Yields
AEDE Applied Economics Seminar Series. His presentation focused on his recent research with Tor ... points in his well-accomplished life, a student, a faculty member, a leader and a researcher at Ohio ... him focuses on new research in this field to continue Professor Havlicek’s dedication to this topic of ...
14 billion ways honey bees let you eat
programs with Ohio beekeeper groups, and starting a statewide network of 28 research and demonstration ...
This was the polar express: ‘Worst grape damage on record in Ohio’
possible. Dami leads OARDC’s wine grape research. To contact the scientist: Imed Dami at ...
Two OARDC scientists contribute to National Climate Assessment
Change Research Program, the report concludes that: The world’s climate is indeed changing. Climate ...
Study: Spreading gypsum on farms can help keep water clean, not green
Dick’s research is taking place on farms in the Maumee River watershed, Lake Erie’s largest tributary, ...