
Search results

  1. Some reminders about fall herbicide treatments and cover crops

    application of 2,4-D to cause injury to cereal rye or bentgrass in our research, and minor injury probably ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-07

    plant stands before heavy rainfalls “seal” the soil surface.  While previous research has generally ... branches, these are the soil temperatures at 2.5 inches. County                 Research Branch              ...  Iowa State ( has published ...

  3. Pelletized Lime in Production Systems

    equipment.   University research has shown that pelletized lime does not raise soil pH faster than high quality ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-37

    a total of eight experiments. The following lists some of the major findings from this research. KEY ... growing seasons during which most of this research was conducted were extremely favorable for corn growth ... greater stalk lodging with shorter harvest delays than the research above would indicate. For more details ...

  5. Getting Your Corn Crop Off to a Good Start in 2015

    maximize yields. Most research suggests that planting a hybrid at suboptimal seeding rates is more likely ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-38

    dry down conditions. In some of my research plots, I’ve noted major differences in grain moisture ... quality. The following are some findings from this research. • Delaying harvest until early-mid November ... every other week newsletter through the winter months to keep you up to date with summaries of research ...

  7. Christmas Trees Living Large: A Photo Tour in Secrest Arboretum

    a week, dawn to dusk. The 115-acre facility is part of the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ... Center. The center is the research arm of the  College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences ...

  8. Harvest Delays Impact Corn Performance

    this research.   KEY FINDINGS * Results showed that nearly 90% of the yield loss associated with ...

  9. Time to stock up on nozzles now! But do you know which one to buy?

    same “flat-fan” category classified as “low-drift.” Research conducted at Ohio State and elsewhere ...

  10. Adjusting No-till Burndown Programs for Later Planting

    early to mid May.   In our research plots, we appear to have as good a winter annual population as we ...
