
Search results

  1. Remember the Soybean Aphid?

    entirely away.  When we look hard enough for research purposes we can usually find a few here and there.  ... tree-hugging hippies, but because (a) extensive research has shown that it does pay off even with a low-cost ... information about soybean aphid scouting and biology based on soybean-checkoff funded Land Grant research ...

  2. 2023 Western Agronomy Field Day

    Research Station in South Charleston, Ohio.  The field day will be held Wednesday July 19, 2023, with ... public and lunch will be provided.  The field day will be held at the Western Ag. Research Station, 7721 ... 937-462-8016. Upcoming Events ...

  3. Battle for the Belt: Episode 18

    growth for both corn and soybeans at the Northwest and Western Research Stations. According to Table 1, ... planting date two, three, four, and five are V7, V6, V3, and VC, respectively. At the Western Research ... Research Station, corn is getting close to tasseling in both planting date one and two.. The stages for ...

  4. In-Field and Edge-of-Field Conservation Practice Field Day

    excess soil P. Our keynote speaker will be Kevin King, USDA-ARS Research Lead and Agricultural Engineer, ... discussing water management and in-field practice research results. Four breakout sessions will allow for ... discussion about the considerations and benefits of P filters, as well as information about the research ...

  5. 2023 OSU Weed Science Field Day

    Research Station in South Charleston, OH. Registration will start at 8:30 followed by a field tour. Studies ... Agricultural Research Station 7721 S Charleston Pike, South Charleston, OH 45368 Registration: register online ...

  6. Battle for the Belt: Episode 24

    Episode 24, we go to each research location with Taylor Dill and conduct yield estimates on corn. Taylor ...

  7. Corn Yield Forecasts as of August 2, 2023

    can help researchers, growers, and industry stakeholders make management, logistics, and marketing ...

  8. 2023 Weed Science Field Day

    Research Station in South Charleston, OH. Registration will start at 8:30 followed by a field tour. Studies ... Agricultural Research Station 7721 S Charleston Pike, South Charleston, OH 45368 Registration: register online ...

  9. Options for Short Season Summer Fall Forages

    which case late autumn grazing would be a more viable option. Our research utilizing oats planted on ... (there is also a winter biotype that acts like winter wheat). In our research, oat averaged slightly ... infection occurs. Our research has shown a significant yield and quality advantage to treating July and ...

  10. Manure Science Review Coming Thursday August 3rd

     Courtney Krieger, OSU Water Quality Educator, will discuss Composting Bedded Pack Manure research results. ... Water Conservation and Glen Arnold will talk about the latest research results on Cultivating in Surface ...
