
Search results

  1. Timber Rattlesnake Ecology and Conservation in Ohio

    Environment and Natural Resources as he shares ongoing research on the endangered timber rattlesnake in Ohio. ...

  2. Animal Models of Human Disease

    animal research may provide a more relevant model for translating treatments and prevention of disease to ...

  3. OSU Leadership Center 30th Anniversary Celebration

    continued education, professional development, and research-based programming.  We hope you are able to join ...

  4. First Run Friday: Inclusive Leadership Online

    perspectives andexperiences of a diverse workforce. Leading diverse, multidisciplinary teams can be challenging, but research has shown ...

  5. FAHRP Entries in Virtual Poster Contest

    posters entered from researchers in FAHRP. You can interact with the researchers by leaving comments and ...

  6. First Run Friday: Leadership and Empathy Online

    As a leader, empathy is an important trait to develop to be successful. Research at the Center for ...

  7. Congratulations to FAHRP Poster Contest Winners

    Advisor: Renukaradhya Gourapura First Place in Research Assistants/ Associates/ Scientists Division ... Advisor: Daral Jackwood Third Place in Research Assistants/ Associates/ Scientists Division Detection of ... scientists. You can interact with the researchers by leaving comments and questions about their work. Some of ...

  8. Congratulations to Dr. Amir Ghorbani!

    Award for basic research in avian medicine. Dr. Ghorbani received his veterinary degree in 2012 from ...

  9. Congratulations Dr. Aradhya Gourapura

    for more information on Dr. Gourapura's research and this honor. Ohio State vaccine researcher ...

  10. FAHRP Entries in Virtual Poster Contest

    click the link below to see their posters. You can interact with the researchers by leaving comments and ...
