
Search results

  1. Ohio Food Bank Association benefits from partnership with OSU – Meat Science Extension research project led by Dr. Lyda G Garcia

    Association and Beef Producers Nationwide. Dr. Garcia's  research  project studied two body types in cull ... Laboratory, a federally inspected  facility, processed the 20 cows that had been used in the research project. ... need, but this research is also serving a critical need for beef producers, nationwide. This is what ...

  2. Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)

    The Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) is a collaboration across the Big Ten Academic ... helping those in our communities through research translation and outreach. Participants at The Ohio State ... mentor and pursue cutting edge research at one of the top institutions in the nation. From understanding ...

  3. Dr. Domingues and Dr. Zegpi join the Department of Animal Sciences

    programmatic strengths, expertise, assets, and impact  through  research on current poultry diseases, including ...

  4. Alejandro E. Relling

    dairy) Nutrition Digestive and metabolic physiology and endocrinology Research Focus Feed efficiency and ... product quality are important areas for livestock producers and animal product consumers. My research is ... metabolism and their impact on beef, sheep and dairy production. To evaluate that I integrate my research in ...

  5. Joseph S. Ottobre

    puppies. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. 10(4):286-94. Zhang X., M.E. ...

  6. CFAES New Graduate Student Orientation

    Research and Graduate Education, CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and the CFAES Graduate ...

  7. Zhongtang Yu

    University of British Columbus Microbiology Research Interests Dr. Yu is interested in ecological studies of ... impact of food-animal production. His second research interest centers on the microbiological ... microarrays are employed in his research. Publications- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working ...

  8. UG Research

    Through undergraduate research, you can expand on your classroom studies through in-depth, ... hands-on experiences that will allow you to discover how research advances our understanding of animals. In ... research and to compete in research presentation competitions, including (click on a name for more ...

  9. Jeffrey L. Firkins

    dairy farm. Following postdoctoral research in dairy nutrition at Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, he was ... Agricultural, and Environmental Scineces 2023-2024. Dr. Firkins conducted applied research to answer immediate ... Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award  recipient, 2023 Fellow of the American Dairy Science Association ...

  10. Back to School Bash

    A tent for graduate students and their research advisors to meet and socialize A bingo tent Balloon & ...
