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  1. Committee meeting

    Our colleague, Aswathy Sasiharan Pillai, successfully presented her research topics during the ...

  2. Our North Coast: An insight into Intergovernmental stewardship to improve Lake Erie from Ontario to Ohio

    Great Lakes. With a strong combination of research, education, and outreach efforts, as well as ... Great Lakes resources. Stone Laboratory is Ohio State’s island campus on Lake Erie and is the research ... and a tour of research laboratories and South Bass Island. 9:30 a.m. Livestreaming service concludes ...

  3. Tawonga Zakeyu

    Research Focus: My research will be focused on crop diversification options for Ohio. My research work will ... with a great opportunity of graduate school but also, I was inspired by the integration of research and ...

  4. Ohio State CFAES names top 23 seniors

    exemplify the CFAES mission in areas such as academics and scholarship, research and innovation, service and ...

  5. BuckeyeNext

    research-based career readiness competencies, Ohio 4-H Pathways to the Future created a program to introduce Ohio ...

  6. Dr. Ken Lee

    Board and co-founded the Food Bev Forum that serves food industry research leadership. He is a past ... Academy Professor. Research: We explore the health benefits of commercially available low glycemic foods ...

  7. Welcome Malwina and Konrad!

    sustainability. Currently, she is working on her PhD at West Pomeranian University in Szczecin. Her research ... student at the West Pomeranian University in Szczecin, focusing his research on polyesters and ... research related to the degradation of biopolymers. ...

  8. Ohio 4-H Camping Programs

    various camping research here.       ...

  9. Caitlyn Tasney Receives the CFAES Distinguished Senior Award

    CFAES mission in areas such as academics and scholarship, research and innovation, service and ...

  10. Grant DeBruin Receives the CFAES Distinguished Senior Award

    Columbus campus who exemplify the CFAES mission in areas such as academics and scholarship, research and ...
