
Search results

  1. Dr. Arruda Research Opportunity

    Dr. Andréia Gonçalves Arruda is looking for a graduate student (MS degree) to work on a project related to the use of novel technologies for internal and external swine farm biosecurity. This student must have a Bachelor degree in Animal Science and/ or D ...

  2. Forage Production School 2014

    OSU Researchers and OSU Extension Specialists and  Educators will present cutting edge information ...

  3. Forage Production School 2014

    OSU Researchers and OSU Extension Specialists and  Educators will present cutting edge information ...

  4. Forage Production School 2014

    OSU Researchers and OSU Extension Specialists and  Educators will present cutting edge information ...

  5. Educational Videos

    Algae research project in Wayne County is looking to reduce carbon emissions and make biofuel from the ...

  6. Hull and Weaver Inducted into Dairy Science Hall of Service 2015

    contributions occurred from his MS research which demonstrated that hypocalcemia is a causative factor to ... graduates. He has been very supportive of Extension and research programs. Dr. Weaver has made many ...

  7. Recently Published

    hyperinsulinemia with increased islet mass and insulin secretion. Biochemical and Biophysical Research ...

  8. 2014 Ohio Beef Cattle School

    nutrition programs. Dr. Francis Fluharty, Research Scientist, OSU Department of Animal Sciences, will ...

  9. Poultry Research Center

    The Wooster Poultry Research Centers have more than 36,000 square feet of housing for experimental ...

  10. You are invited...Animal Sciences Recognition Banquet

    include: • Scholarship Recipients • Co-Curricular Teams • Undergraduate Research • Outstanding ...
