
Search results

  1. The Marks of a "Real" Ohio Dairy Producer,

    not they are, in fact, a " R E A L " complete dairy producer. R- Regulation & Research ... regulations. They also initiate, support, and direct new research which will be beneficial to dairy production. ... In Ohio, this can be done by contributing to the Ohio Dairy Research Fund. E- Educated, Engaged, and ...

  2. Free-stall Stocking Density Affects Productivity

    of Tennessee and Rick Grant of the William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute in New York ... summarized the findings of a range of studies and research that looked at the effect of freestall stocking ... type of research, my personal opinion leads me to believe that if a cow is under stress from ...

  3. Jay Martin to Lead Field to Faucet and Global Water Initiative

    Engineering. For the past 10 years, he has focused on the Lake Erie basin, again in concert with researchers ... ability to bring people together to solve this complicated issue.” Field to Faucet involves researchers ... researchers to secure and share publicly available data. It is likely the project will later serve as a model ...

  4. UMN Solutions Feature

    This University of Minnesota feature on the Flavor Research and Education Center discusses the ...

  5. Alumni

    Coordinator for the Good Agricultural Practices Team at OSU's Ohio Agricultural Research Development ... Center (OARDC) in Wooster.  Ashley uses these experiences to provide research-based information and ... passion over the last 20 years has been to connect research to the management of our landscapes and vice ...

  6. Wildlife and Fisheries Links

    threatened species/habitats; climate change mitigation; funding for wildlife-oriented research; assistance to ... migratory birds, provides funding for national and international conservation-oriented research; manages ... is to conduct research and monitoring on freshwater, terrestrial, and marine ecosystems and the fish ...

  7. Examining the trigeminal burn of alcoholic products

    to two-thirds of the total product cost. Historically, research on the flavor quality of alcoholic ... hygiene products. To read more about this research: Kokkinidou, S. Peterson, D.G.  2016.  Identification ...

  8. Journal Information

    NACAA Published online twice a year and accepts articles on research, case studies, outstanding programs ... the world. Feature, Research in Brief, and Ideas at Work submissions undergo double-blind review, and ... engagement between higher education institutions and communities. Submission Guidelines Education Research ...

  9. Ohio State scientists affiliated with IPM Innovation Lab work with Kenya’s Kongai Tisa Farmer Association to improve tomato production

    thrips. The OSU research scientists, in close collaboration with scientists from the Kenyan Agricultural ... Research Institute (KARI) in Thika, developed and introduced an integrated package of management options ... participating in the research trials and through a series of workshops, have learned how to do the grafting, ...

  10. Jogue Scholarship Award

    will also present his research on the Characterization of the Key Flavor Compounds (Aroma and Taste) ...
