
Search results

  1. Biopesticides

    researchers are facilitating the expansion and adoption of biofungicides and microbial inoculants through the ... conventional and organic growers rank plant diseases and their management as a priority for research and ... extension professionals, which has led to intensive research and development in biopesticides and ...

  2. Charles (Chuck) Curtis

    primary interests were students, teaching, innovative student centered teaching methods, and research on ...

  3. Qu Lab

    Zhang, Xiuchun- Postdoctoral researcher- E-mail: Chewachong, Godwill- PhD student- ...   Cao, Mingxia Postdoctoral researcher   Lin, Junyan PhD student ...   Haight, Emily OARDC Research Internship Program Summer 2009 intern, Wooster High School ...

  4. archive 2 Grad Student Awards and Publications

    Cooperacion Internacional), INIA (National Institute for Agricultural Research), Madrid, Spain.  Nov 19-30, ... Soledad Benitez Grant recipient, SEEDS: The OARDC Graduate Research Enhancement Grant Program.  2007-2008 ... in graduate research and for service to the Department of Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University ...

  5. Plant Pathology Opportunities

    Ohio State students share the impact of their research. Video contest award, 2012, Office of ...

  6. Integrated Disease Management Helps Ohio’s Grape Industry Thrive

    Over the past 35 years, Mike Ellis and OSU plant pathologists have conducted research to develop ... of disease management options. For example, our research studies have determined that infection by ... friendly" fungicides for registration in Ohio crops. The research has enabled us to effectively use all ...

  7. Archive 2007 2008

    *Distinction designates completion of an honors thesis research project.  Amanda accepts congratulations ... symptoms, which was part of her honors research (AKA Amanda's sick plant).     Amanda Hayes, a Plant ... a one-week Brazil Research Exchange Program in November 2008.  She traveled to the University of So Paulo to ...

  8. Manufacturing Rountable

    in this roundtable I am currently researching and coordinating with other SBDC offices, as well as ...

  9. Mitchell outreach and engagement list

    School, Enloe High School, and Broughton High School in research projects at NCSU 2003-2007 Laurinburg ... Charter High School - negotiated equipment donation by Fisher Scientific and provided 1-day research ... Developed 4 molecular biology research activity kits and rotations to North Carolina High Schools 2002-2007 ...

  10. FST Fall Semester Seminar

    The presentation will provide an overview about the research conducted at IFSH on various "New ...
