
Search results

  1. The She-cession: How the Pandemic Forced Women from the Workplace and How Employers Can Respond

    a “she-cession,” by C. Nicole Mason, a women’s policy researcher and economist, to describe the disproportionate ... and worthwhile (Purtill 2020). Think Boldly of the Future and Reset the Workplace for Women Research ... p rovide an option for women who want to work from home. Research finds 98% of women want to work from home ...

  2. Household Water Use

    Water Research Foundation. 2016. Residential End Uses of Water. ... Swistock, BR and WE Sharpe. 2016. Water Conservation – How Much Water and Money Can You Save? Penn ...

  3. Introduction to Mindfulness

    flow which triggers a relaxation response as well as feelings of well-being.  Mindfulness Research ... Research on mindfulness practices has spanned a variety of fields of study including but not limited to: ... etc. Research suggests that mindfulness training and practice is beneficial to the improvement and ...

  4. Modified Relay Intercropping

    Long-term research at The Ohio State University's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center ... Research Results (All Plots in Crawford County.) 6-Year Average Yields in MRI System Year Soft Red Winter ... This research attests to the ability of the wheat plant to change its growth habit and thus continue to ...

  5. Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: Linking Measured Values to Crop Management

    Bumgarner, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, The Ohio State University, Ohio Agricultural Research ... second set of reference °Brix values (Table 2) was taken from published agricultural research. This set ... includes values reported on multiple crops grown in research plots in many locations. Keep in mind that ...

  6. Preschool: Get Off to a Good Start

    and Research Network (CYFERNET). Here are some common breakfast foods. Have your child color the foods ... Performance at School. Accessed from Children, Youth, and Families Education and Research Network on February ...

  7. Kindergarten: Get Off to a Good Start

    and Research Network (CYFERNET). Here are Some Common Breakfast Foods. Have your child color the foods ... Performance at School. Accessed from Children, Youth, and Families Education and Research Network on February ...

  8. Using Solar Energy to Produce Electricity for Ohioans

    new energy policies, and advancements in research and development are all factors that are continually ... for less than one-tenth of one percent of total energy generation. However, research performed by ... conventional power plants) in 2008. Furthermore, research indicates that the solar contribution could be quite ...

  9. Ever-Evolving Aspects of Cannabis Production

    by the production stages of cannabis. The sections review the latest research findings in hemp and ... Research findings and successful practices adopted by growers are jointly reported when available to better ... adapting to growers’ needs and recent research results. The latest findings indicate that rooting success ...

  10. Cover Crop Fundamentals

    private researchers are going back to the basics and are experimenting with beneficial plants to determine ... farmers. More research is needed to quantify the effects of cover crops so that research based ... the University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program is located at: ...
