
Search results

  1. Nurturant Grandfathering: Recreation Work

    his grandchild’s personality traits, values, and beliefs. Research indicates, even after accounting ... Benefits to Grandfathers Research on grandfathers who participate in recreation work has found that greater ... satisfaction knowing that he is fulfilling his role in the family. Research has also found that grandfathers ...

  2. Communicating Your Organization’s Message

    8.25 seconds according to the Statistic Brain Research Institute. To help focus your message, try ... Brain Research Institute. 2021. Average Human Attention Span. Community communicating stakeholders ...

  3. The She-cession: How the Pandemic Forced Women from the Workplace and How Employers Can Respond

    a “she-cession,” by C. Nicole Mason, a women’s policy researcher and economist, to describe the disproportionate ... and worthwhile (Purtill 2020). Think Boldly of the Future and Reset the Workplace for Women Research ... p rovide an option for women who want to work from home. Research finds 98% of women want to work from home ...

  4. Where to Have Your Water Tested

    Biological Engineering and Water Quality Specialist Jamie Bradbury, Research Assistant Food, Agricultural and ... Tests SENECA COUNTY National Center for Water Quality Research, Heidelberg University, 310 E. Market ... research projects. Trace Metals [12] Mercury Hardness Aluminum Calcium  Iron Magnesium Manganese  Silicon ...

  5. Turning Crude Glycerin into Polyurethane Foam and Biopolyols

    has become more pressing. Previous research has concentrated on using both chemical and biological ... research has demonstrated the potential for using crude glycerin as an alternative to petroleum for ... research and commercialization efforts relating to development of bio-based polyols or ...

  6. Ever-Evolving Aspects of Cannabis Production

    by the production stages of cannabis. The sections review the latest research findings in hemp and ... Research findings and successful practices adopted by growers are jointly reported when available to better ... adapting to growers’ needs and recent research results. The latest findings indicate that rooting success ...

  7. Nurturant Grandfathering: Lineage Work

    values and beliefs. Research indicates, even after accounting for the amount of contact, there is ... clear—yes, grandfathers’ efforts at lineage work can make a difference. Benefits to Grandfathers Research on ... from the author’s research project titled “Grandfather Involvement and Health Survey.” This is the ...

  8. White-Nose Syndrome: A Deadly Disease of Bats

    of particular interest to bat researchers. Other species will partake in somewhat shorter spring and ... imbalance.  Current research on WNS is centered on all aspects of the disease, including the mechanism in ... $121,000–$1.7 million, compared to the $6 million value of the annual cotton crop. Recently, research ...

  9. Household Water Use

    Water Research Foundation. 2016. Residential End Uses of Water. ... Swistock, BR and WE Sharpe. 2016. Water Conservation – How Much Water and Money Can You Save? Penn ...

  10. Use of Forage Chicory in a Small Ruminant Parasite Control Program

    Extension, Veterinary Medicine Joyce G. Foster, PhD, Research Biochemist, USDA, Agricultural Research ... Service, Appalachian Farming Systems Research Center, Beaver, WV Internal parasites can limit profitability ... development of these strategies. Some research, conducted principally outside the United States, has indicated ...
