
Search results

  1. BroadbandOhio awards Ohio State $125,000 for agricultural connectivity project

    BroadbandOhio for this investment, which will amplify our college’s research and delivery of cutting-edge ... will create for farmers, researchers, and entrepreneurs alike, and are proud to be at the forefront of ... where research universities and government initiatives like BroadbandOhio can help, noted Doug ...

  2. Plastics, we got your number! New circular economy approaches unveiling potential to make a difference

    colleagues across the university to leverage Ohio State’s core strengths in research, teaching, and using ... Sciences) after receiving his Ph.D. from the UCLA Anderson School of Management in 2017. His research domain ... is sustainable operations management. His research has been published in Manufacturing and Service ...

  3. Open House at the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park

    Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park in partnership with Stone Laboratory, the University’s ... Christopher Tonra, and the F.T. Stone Laboratory Associate Director of Academic Programming and Research, Dr. ...

  4. Brundige awarded national 2023 Friend of Extension

    Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, the state 4-H research endowment fund, the Sheep Achievement ... university’s hub for teaching, research, and community engagement around food, health, agricultural production, ...

  5. Minter named as Field Specialist, Specialty Crops Production Systems at Ohio State

    Logan will provide overall leadership for a comprehensive outreach, applied research, and teaching ... with specialty crops, both from a farming and research perspective. “He will collaborate with peers, ... stakeholder clientele, and industry leaders to address specialty crop needs statewide via research, field ...

  6. Latest innovations to be shared at Farm Science Review

    research program also focuses on translational data analytics, developing telemetry solutions, and digital ... research on using drones in agriculture. The machines were initially used for non-spraying applications, ... Research at Ohio State is being conducted to determine spray deposition, swath control, and coverage and ...

  7. Designing Circular Economy Strategies from within the Textiles and Fashion Industries

    Entrepreneurship and eCornell. Lewis is widely published in journals such as the Clothing and Textiles Research ... Journal, Fashion Practice and the Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice. She has contributed to ... research, writing, speaking, and video production is aimed at understanding the true value of textile and ...

  8. Murumkar named as Field Specialist, Ecosystems Services at Ohio State

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). Murumkar, who previously served as a research scientist in the ... a comprehensive applied ecosystems services program with an emphasis on carbon research and Extension outreach for ... and industry researchers, faculty, and Extension educators,” said Sam Custer, interim assistant ...

  9. Stan and Sharon Joehlin

    after completing her undergraduate work at Auburn University. Gauci is planning her graduate research ... time an associate professor of research, extension, and training at FABE. “We had a great meeting, and ... retain a professor accomplished in teaching, research, and public service to FABE. “The reality is FABE ...

  10. October 2023 CFAES Connect

    MALC expands the visibility of research and educational activities to support the advancement of animal ...
