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  1. Current Federal Concerns with Academia and National Security

    changes related to national security issues impacting research and other university activity. This session ...

  2. Writing a Compelling Project Narrative

    narrative. This is your chance to describe your research idea to the funding agency, how it will be carried ... discuss how to develop a strong project narrative and how to communicate your research clearly. Presenter: ... Kayla Arnold, Administrative Associate, Office for Research and Graduate Education   ...

  3. 2019 Harvest from Connecticut to Minnesota "difficult" growing season, with one exception: Ohio!

    across the board.” Diane Kinney, research assistant, and Dr. Imed Dami, professor of horticulture and ...

  4. Graduate Student Opportunities

    periodically as new opportunities are found. Alumni Grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship The Alumni ... grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship (AGGRS)  provide up to $2000 for dissertation research ... support to doctoral candidates without any other research support from their department or advisor due to ...

  5. Enterprise Project Grants Conference

    The Enterprise Project’s Grants Conference is designed to introduce research administration ...

  6. OSU Research Expo

    This event, sponsored by the  Office of Research, features information to support the growth and ... success of your research program! More than  50 exhibitors – research support services, ... research enterprise.  Attend one or more “Lightning Talks” (~10 minutes each, schedule forthcoming); ...

  7. SEEDS Awards

    The SEEDS Program publishes the anuual Report of Progress, highlighting research funded by the ...

  8. GDSU Seminar Series

    basics, finding funding, research integrity, and many others. As we offer new opportunities, check back to ...

  9. Amy Glaze

    Amy Glaze Administrative Associate, Research and Graduate Education 106D Agricultural ...

  10. Kayla Arnold

    communication, with experience writing research impact statements, as well as the annual USDA-NIFA Plan of Work and ... her previous position, she served as the Administrative Associate for the Office for Research and ... Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA), National Organization of Research Development ...
