
Search results

  1. Witter project selected for National Cooperative Highway Research Program

    Dan Mecklenburg was one of 7 projects selected for a National Cooperative Highway Research Program ... project to promote implementation of recently completed research projects.  The project deliverables were ... shared with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Research Advisory ...

  2. Richard (Dick) L. Meyer

    research and write about these subjects. He also teaches these subjects in international short courses and ...

  3. Marvin Batte

    continues active research in farm and agribusiness management, technology assessment and evaluation of ...

  4. ERIK Strategic Research Travel Program

    The Strategic Research Travel Program provides 50% of costs up to a maximum of $1,500 per person ... for travel for Ohio State faculty and principal investigators to meet with external research sponsors ... State for research funding. This travel program aligns with the university’s goal to double sponsored ...

  5. Dr. Laura Bautista OHCEAC Seminar- 2/24

    research domains while also consulting and generating knowledge of various crops in open field, vertical ... profitable. During her time at Penn State, Laura performed research to improve disease management using more ...

  6. Jerry R. Ladman

    received his PhD in 1968 in economics from Iowa State University. His research has focused on rural credit ...

  7. Richard (Dick) Duvick

    University. Dick was employed by the Economic Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture for six and ...

  8. Dr. Laura Bautista OHCEAC Seminar- 2/24

    research domains while also consulting and generating knowledge of various crops in open field, vertical ... profitable. During her time at Penn State, Laura performed research to improve disease management using more ...

  9. Robert E. Jacobson

    focus on agricultural cooperatives. He earned the 1974 AAEA Published Research Award and was inducted into ...

  10. Dr. Sathya Gopalakrishnan among 21 researchers selected for the inaugural GRO Academy cohort

    Twenty-one researchers have been named to the first cohort for the GRO Academy The national trend ... in grant-making agencies has been towards convergence research or interdisciplinary team-based ... research. The complex challenges we face today require new ways to collaborate, solve problems, and leverage ...
