
Search results

  1. Converting Biogas to Transportation Fuels

    Engineer, and Liangcheng Yang, Postdoctoral Research Associate Department of Food, Agricultural and ... methanotrophic bacteria are often employed for methanol production, is currently at the research stage. ... currently being researched, with extensive interest in genetically engineered microorganisms. Dry reforming: ...

  2. Statistics and Agricultural Research

    clarification. Within this fact sheet we will attempt to explain why researchers use statistics as a tool, why ... are based on probability, and researchers select what level of probability constitutes significance. ... at the discretion of the researcher. The scientific community in general prefers a significance level ...

  3. Soil Carbon Sequestration—Fundamentals

    are the major culprits worldwide. USDA research shows that carbon dioxide gas is lost directly from ... unnecessary on most soils. We know from historic agricultural research plots at the University of Illinois and ... Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. n.d. "Carbon Management and Sequestration ...

  4. Ohio Opportunity Zones in Community and Economic Development

    Leonard. 2018. "Assessing Opportunity Zones in Ohio." Policy Matters Ohio. ...

  5. Efficient Lawn Care Practices to Help Protect Ohio’s Waterways

    plants, they also help algae and other photosynthetic water organisms grow. Research has found that the ... Great Lakes. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Accessed August 1, 2023. PDF. ...

  6. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2015-16

    study adds to existing research on Ohio farmland values and cash rents that can assist producers and ... landowners with purchase and rental decisions. Existing research is available by searching at ...

  7. Parental Involvement Can Reduce the Risk of Teen Pregnancy

    permission or encourages sexual activity in their children. These are myths. Research shows that talking with ...

  8. Manure and Compost: Nitrogen Availability in Organic Production

    Grain Research Site Nitrogen Source Analysis total N Moisture Total N  lbs/ton Typical rate  per acre ... site and the development of these materials was provided by Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ... Center (OARDC) Organic Food, Farming, Education and Research Program at This ...

  9. Spraying Recommendations for Soybean Rust

    collected from research plots near Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It has been slowly moving northward. This ... rust. Researchers will find such varieties some day, but according to the most optimistic predictions, ... equipment yet. However, we do have spray coverage data from several research projects dealing with other ...

  10. Nurturant Grandfathering: Let’s Get Involved

    the roles and responsibilities of grandfathers. Early scholarly research depicted grandfathers as the ... research paints a picture of grandfathers performing a wider range of roles, including being a surrogate ... in the fact sheets highlight the important connections between research and practice. They bring to ...
