
Search results

  1. John Peter Minton Memorial Rose Garden

    John Peter Minton, M.D., PhD, was an eminent cancer physician, teacher, and researcher. Dr. Minton ...

  2. Ohio Christmas Tree Association honors Dave Shetlar

    Extension, research and teaching contributions to Ohio’s Christmas tree industry. The industry's ...

  3. Export Controls for Departmental Research Administrators

    In this 1.5 hour session geared toward staff, learn about explain export control regulations and discuss how the university’s missions are impacted. Travel, non-citizen personnel involvement, shipping, and sharing of data are among the most common activit ...

  4. Forage Management and TMR sampling

    sampling error.  Research done by Dr. Weiss resulted in the following TMR sampling protocol recommendation: ...

  5. Postdoc Orientation: The Essentials

    President of Research, and Patrick Osmer, Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate ... School.) Administrative and academic leaders will also provide information regarding: the research ... order can be made. This session will be also be available via videoconference in 130 Research Services ...

  6. Post-award Grant/Contract Management Workshop

    May 19, 2016 10:00- 11:30 am Research Services 130 Please join us for Post-Award Grant/Contract ...

  7. Photo Gallery

    Take a photo tour on this page to learn about the OSU research, Extension, and teaching ...

  8. Finding Funding Workshop (SPIN) with Jeff Agnoli 1-2 pm

    Learn strategies for finding funding that is specifically tailored to your research interests. We ...

  9. CFAES students net Coca-Cola sustainability grants

    Hitzhusen $10,672.15 to a student research team from SENR's "Communicating Environmental and ... perennial orchards, and intensive vegetable growing. $3,751 to a second student research team from ENR 2367, ... coincide with a due date for our students' revised research reports, so we decided to make it an ...

  10. Kristina Boone new director for ATI

    emerging e-learning instruction, research, service, engagement, marketing, student services and student ...
