
Search results

  1. Catalpadale Bristol Dairy Scholarship established at Ohio State ATI

    on various research trials. About 50 students are enrolled in Ohio State ATI’s dairy programs. “We ...

  2. Basic Soybean Agronomics

    conducted a planting date trial at the Western Agricultural Research Station near South Charleston, Ohio.  ... yield potential. Seeding rate.  What is the optimum soybean seeding rate?  On-farm research conducted by ...

  3. Write Winning Grant Proposals

    Research.   This all-day presentation is the cornerstone of Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops ...

  4. Educational Videos

    Algae research project in Wayne County is looking to reduce carbon emissions and make biofuel from the ...

  5. Evaluating Sources

    reliable and very useful for research. Opinions can be useful for a topic like "college ... professors' perceptions of facebook". Both can be used in research, but it depends on the paper topic. ...

  6. 'A Game-Changer': Rapid Infrared Analysis Could Streamline Food Processing Tests

    Rodriguez-Saona also is a scientist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, the research arm ...

  7. Sustainable Agriculture

    Manager • Researcher/Instructor/Extension Agent/Farm Advisor • Pest Control Advisor • Sustainable ...

  8. Botulism Prevention with Small Grain Baleage

    of baling, but certainly no later than 8 to 10 hours after baling.  There is quite a lot of research ...

  9. Wheat Management Practices

    County is September 26 and for Holmes County it is September 27.  Research indicates that the best time ...

  10. Three faculty retirements leave big shoes to fill

    conducting research on floriculture pest control. McMahon was the recipient of the Teaching Excellence Award ...
