
Search results

  1. Dr. Arruda Research Opportunity

    Dr. Andréia Gonçalves Arruda is looking for a graduate student (MS degree) to work on a project related to the use of novel technologies for internal and external swine farm biosecurity. This student must have a Bachelor degree in Animal Science and/ or D ...

  2. Seminar: Lucy Stewart, USDA ARS, Wooster. Cracking waikavirus code: Progress on Maize chlorotic dwarf virus

    Location: Research Services 130 (Wooster) videolinked to Ag Admin 205 (Columbus) ...

  3. Seminar: Terry Niblack, Professor and Chair, Plant Pathology. Assessing Variability in Soybean Cyst Nematode

    Location: Ag Admin 205 (Columbus) videolinked to Research Services 130 (Wooster) ...

  4. OCARD receives award to host 2nd Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC-2)

    Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research and Development (OCARD) at the Ohio State University (OSU) South ...

  5. Building Great Partnerships

    visibility of educational and research programs both at the University of Rio Grande and The Ohio State ...

  6. August

    tables; each presenter will sit at a table and describe their research, often with paper handouts.  Each ... a section reception where you can meet other researchers in environmental sociology.  Other sections of ASA ... communities, and the environment.   RSS Research Interest Groups (RIGs) cover many topics of interest to the ...

  7. More Lab Alumni

    India, Long Term Overseas Associateship programme in 2006. He hails from the National Research Centre for ... the biological control of plant pathogens.   Dr. Dorith Rotenberg worked as a post-doctoral researcher ... during 2006. Currently she is a research assistant professor at Kansas State University.  She received ...

  8. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1960-1969

    Production Section 1926. Directed the dairy production research at Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station from ... 1911 to 1946. Published his first bulletin on Feeding Dairy Cows 1912. A practical diary researcher of ... Research and Development Center, USDA = United States Department of Agriculture, and VP = vice president.   ...

  9. Pierce Paul people profile

    B.S. degree program, I earned an undergraduate research assistantship to work on early blight of ... to receive a graduate research assistantship to work on developing disease prediction and risk ... in the summer of 2003, I accepted a postdoctoral researcher position at The Ohio State ...

  10. A Super Time for Super Berries

    a few of them this year.  Our research team members have propagated a few elderberry plants.  We also ...
