
Search results

  1. Delayed planting effects on corn yield: A “historical” perspective

    20 percent behind the five-year average. Long term research by universities and seed companies across ...

  2. 2014 Champaign and Union Agronomy Day

    research. His graduate student, Alex Lindsey, will talk about his work on drought tolerant corn varieties. ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-38

    Affect Yield, Grain Quality and Moisture?-Research Findings Resources for A Delayed Corn Harvest ... Affect Yield, Grain Quality and Moisture?-Research Findings Leaving corn to dry in the field exposes ... The following lists some of the major findings from this research. KEY FINDINGS • Results showed that ...

  4. Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start

    first to allow them to exploit the growing season more fully. Research in Ohio and other Corn Belt ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-35

    problems with aphids in 2005! But remember, it is a POTENTIAL, not a certainty! Researchers and extension ... treatments in OSU research have been consistent in their control of winter annual weeds across a range of ... treatments). Has our research been conducted under the type of dry weather that some producers are ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-07

    Research Update Nitrogen Contribution from Red Clover for Corn following Wheat in Western Ohio WCR ... Production: 2009 Research Update We’ve received several inquiries recently concerning the yield potential of ... production. In 2009, we conducted an evaluation of twin row corn at the OSU-OARDC Northwest Research ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-02

    representatives, seed researchers, and wheat producers throughout Ohio. The group has worked with industry partners ... research information is discussed. It also shows up in University publications that provide summaries of ... field research. The question is “what does this number mean”? Least significant difference is used to ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-10

    POST, or providing some residual control even after the POST.  Our research shows that the minimum PRE ... Roundup Ready soybeans.  A brief report on this research is available on the OSU weed science website ... –  This research verified that giant ragweed populations are more effectively reduced when POST ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-02

    Genetics Inc. Croton OH 740-893-2501 Baldridge Bio-Research Inc. Cherry Fork OH 937-386-2413 Beck’s ... fall of 2008 and has the latest summary of research results for the management of fertility, weeds, ... insect and disease from Ohio research on wheat. This 26 page publications provides key practices to ...

  10. Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start

    fully. Research in Ohio and other Corn Belt states generally indicates that earlier maturity hybrids lose ...
