
Search results

  1. Groundbreaking Ceremony featured in Daily Record

    building on the campus of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "I heard a loud siren ... population grows, food science and advanced energy research will be even more important. Canton-based Hammond ... storm, his lab, where he was working on controlled environment plant production research, was destroyed, ...

  2. Using Degree Days to Measure the Impact of Climate Change on U.S. Agriculture

    Mendelsohn will present his recent research with Emanuele Massetti, Assistant Professor at the School of ...

  3. Seeking the Stink Bug's Natural Enemies

    leading the research into the species of stink bugs that prey on soybeans: the green, the brown, the red ... the Ohio Soybean Council and the North Central Soybean Research Program to determine what species of ...

  4. Brenda Metro- Food Engineering Student

    again in the future. Research During my sophomore year, I began working on a research project in the ... system introduced me to the process of conducting research and gave me the opportunity to learn more than ...

  5. AEDE Autumn Seminar Series- November 10: "Biofuel Mandates and Food Prices" presented by Ujjayant Chakravorty

    Dr. Ujjayant Chakravorty, Professor and Canada Research Chair, University of Alberta and Fellow, ...

  6. Matthew C. Roberts to Speak at Fluid Fertilizer Foundation in Scottsdale, AZ

    Scottsdale, AZ on Monday, February 18th. In his research Roberts focuses on price and revenue risk management ... the research and education arm of the fluid fertilizer industry. ...

  7. Faggian Named the 2015 Geoffrey J.D. Hewings Award Winner by the North American Regional Science Council

    regional science research by scholars who have completed their doctoral studies in the last 10 years. Dr. ... education. Her research on innovation has made ground-breaking contributions to the understanding of how ...

  8. Computational Methods for Macroeconomic Analysis Presentation at the Central Bank of Costa Rica

    research focuses on computational modeling of stochastic and dynamic economic systems with applications to ...

  9. Economic Impacts of Ohio Shale are Focus of Study

    shale is the focus of collaborative research, led by Cleveland State University’s Center for Economic ...

  10. Bimonthly Fiscal Meeting

    reserve them for the Bimonthly Fiscal Meeting?  I will look into the availability of room 130 Research ...
