
Search results

  1. Corn Yield Forecasts as of August 2, 2023

    can help researchers, growers, and industry stakeholders make management, logistics, and marketing ...

  2. Battle for the Belt: Episode 24

    Episode 24, we go to each research location with Taylor Dill and conduct yield estimates on corn. Taylor ...

  3. 2023 Northwest Agronomic Field Day

    Karhoff Where:  Northwest Agricultural Research Station, 4240 Range Line Road, Custar, OH 43511 When: ...

  4. Southwest Ohio Corn Growers and Fayette County Agronomy Day

    demonstrations. The event will be held at the Fayette County Research and Demonstration Farm, located northeast of ...

  5. 2023 Weed Science Field Day July 12

    Research Station in South Charleston, OH. Registration will start at 8:30 followed by a field tour. Studies ... Agricultural Research Station 7721 S Charleston Pike, South Charleston, OH 45368 Registration: register online ...

  6. Application of Manure to Double Crop Soybeans to Encourage Emergence

    Hoytville OARDC research farm and while the manure did not kill the soybeans or reduce yields, there was ... trifoliates to help with regrowth from the leaf burn. Drag hose research on soybeans showed no yield reduction ...

  7. Hail Damage to Soybean and Corn

    Preble County location, in addition to defoliation, some of the stems were broken (node loss). Research ... Research on stand losses in Ohio reported that 17–50% stand loss at the 7-leaf stage resulted in 6–16% ...

  8. Battle for the Belt: Episode 15

    corn disease concerns and scouting, along with a field update from the Northwest and Western research ... both the Northwest and Western research stations. These locations were very dry like the rest of the ... However, this particular disorder has not been found at other locations. The Northwest Research Station ...

  9. Battle for the Belt: Episode 16

    State. Her research focuses on the impact of planting dates on soybean and corn seedling diseases. The ... research station are V5, V4, and V2/V1. The corn is progressing well with planting date one at V8, planting ... date two at V7, planting date three at V6, and planting date four at V4. At the Western research ...

  10. OSU Extension Weather Extremes Committee and the State Climate Office of Ohio to Host Climate Smart: Farming with Weather Extremes

    Extension and Applied Research in Climate Focus Areas- Alcinda "Cindy" Folck and Sakhi Kumaran ...
