
Search results

  1. Kush Yadav receives the Lynn Joens Memorial Award at CRWAD 2023

    Scott Kenney. For over 100 years, CRWAD (Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases) has featured ... cutting-edge research on animal health and disease, population health, and translational medicine. CRWAD 2023 ... featured lectures from world-renowned featured speakers in addition to showcasing over 400 research ...

  2. Assessing Wheat Crop Grain Versus Forage Economics

    Based on research conducted over two years at 3 OSU research stations, a wheat silage crop receiving 50 ... additional cutting 45 days later. Research conducted in New York showed a 10 ton as-harvested difference ...

  3. AGCOMM 31310 Oral Expressions in Agriculture

    can't do any research until you figure out your topic.   Step 2  Find the context Now it is time to get ...   Step 4  Find Articles All Research Databases ...

  4. Entomology 1+3 Program

    hands-on experience? We share the CFAES Wooster campus with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ... Center, the site of numerous research projects and laboratories. The new science building just completed ... entomology club on the Columbus campus, participates in field trips to collect insects for research and to ...

  5. Applications due: Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

    Applications for the 28 th  Denman Undergraduate Research Forum are due soon. The Denman Forum ... provides an opportunity for graduating student researchers to share their research endeavors with the ... ability to communicate their research process and results effectively in both their written poster content ...

  6. Ronna Wood accepted into OSU College of Veterinary Medicine's DVM program

    Health supporting our research for 9.5 years. During her time here she has managed the Gnotobiotic ... Research Facility and Swine Barn, all while providing excellent animal care and veterinary expertise. Each ... available. From global health programs to basic cancer research, the college focuses on a “One Health” ...

  7. Applied Equine Reproductive Management

    improving equine infertility; applications of current research; and development of technical skills. Prereq: ...

  8. Dr. Laura Bautista OHCEAC Seminar- 2/24

    research domains while also consulting and generating knowledge of various crops in open field, vertical ... profitable. During her time at Penn State, Laura performed research to improve disease management using more ...

  9. 2023 Undergraduate Research Opportunities with OSU CFAES

    CFAES is soliciting student applications for our summer undergraduate research programs for summer ... communities through research translation and outreach. Our college participates in two primary summer ... undergraduate research experience (REU) programs – the OSU Research Internship Program (ORIP) and the Summer ...

  10. USDA Dairy Report: March 2023

    University Extension The United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service (USDA ERS) ...
