
Search results

  1. Development Coordinator

    coordinating efforts and solving problems. • Ability to apply research skills. • Ability to write and edit ...

  2. Save the Date! Ohio Natural History Conference 110th Anniversary

    discovery, advances in research and conservation in practice.  Keynote Speaker: Dr. Richard Seigel, Towson ...

  3. And Water for All: A World Water Day documentary film screening and discussion on water access and affordability in Ohio

    State researchers from the School of Environment and Natural Resources answered this call, traveling the ... nongovernmental) interact with each other when they face environmental problems. In his research, Dr. Berardo ... University of Wisconsin-Madison Dr. Teodoro’s research stands at the nexus of politics, public policy, and ...

  4. ANIMSCI 8886- Food Animal Health Seminar

    critique scientific research relating to aspects of food animal health including, but not limited to, ...

  5. Sustainable Investing: Decarbonizing portfolios and financing green development

    Ohio State’s exploratory research group on sustainable finance, Ohio State receiving the University ... innovative financial and investment products and solutions, offers research-based and experiential ... research interests include the value of ESG information, carbon pricing, the link between portfolio ...

  6. Kush Yadav selected as a co-vice chair and graduate student representative on IDI-TA Steering Committee

    disease research. Like t he Infectious Diseases Institute, the IDI-TA is intentionally interdisciplinary ...

  7. Building hope in a space and movement where change feels unlikely

    Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at The Ohio State University with research interest in bringing ... research to impact social, political, and ethical issues. His other passions lie in working to increase the ... Environmental Policy and Decision Making with Research Distinction from the School of Environment and Natural ...

  8. Best Boss Ever

    self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”- Theodore Roosevelt Research indicates ...

  9. Emotional Intelligence for Leaders online

    Intelligence has a huge impact on your success as a leader. Research shows that people with strong emotional ...

  10. Maryssa Kick

    Maryssa Kick Research Assistant 2 143 Food Animal Health Research Building (330) 263-3668- lab ... work. Those experiences encouraged Maryssa to apply for her current position as a Research Assistant ...
