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  1. Not all gloves created equal: Cornish displays need for durability standards

    Katrina Cornish, research director at the Ohio State University, discusses the need for durability ...

  2. Alumni Career Spotlight: Garrett Caudill

    degree in SENR in 2022. He completed two internships with OSU Mansfield as a Maple Research Assistant and ... while I was in school. I worked as a Maple Research Assistant for Dr. Gabe Karns at OSU Mansfield. ... x silver maple crosses. This research would be used to help producers understand more about their ...

  3. Opportunities for Undergraduates

      Application   OSU Research Internship Program The OSU Research Internship Program on the CFAES Wooster Campus ... this program is to expand research opportunities for local students and to enhance their interest in science, ... of scientific areas of study through laboratory and field-based research experiences, weekly lunch ...

  4. 2024 Wildlife Biology and Management Summer Internships Announced

    field of natural resources, and in the specialization of wildlife management, wildlife research, or ...

  5. Bats draw incredible showing

    around the room on bats houses, the Dark Skies Initiative, bat biology, researching bats, and more. What ...

  6. Garth Ruff

    research and teaching efforts include direct marketing of animal products, forage and field crop trials, ... matter focus and provide overall leadership for a comprehensive teaching and applied research program to ... relationships, and foster collaborations across the state, including with campus researchers, to complement what ...

  7. Matthew Hamilton

    Columbus, OH 43210   Curriculum Vitae RESEARCH INTERESTS My research addresses the central question of how ... I am interested in this field of research because collective action among diverse stakeholder groups is ... and ecological dynamics that span multiple spatial/administrative scales. I organize my research ...

  8. Webinar: Freshwater Science- Microplastic Removal During Drinking Water Treatment

    The presence of microplastics in Lake Erie continues to be a growing concern, with recent research ... are in removing microplastics. New research by The Ohio State University’s John Lenhart and his ... research group is investigating this question in order to determine how effectively certain water treatment ...

  9. KX Video- AgTech Innovation Hub: Automated drainage water management

    of research, funded by the AgTech Innovation Hub, a collaboration between Nationwide, Ohio Farm ...

  10. Klaus Lorenz

    Klaus Lorenz Senior Research Associate 614-247-1686 422C Kottman Hall, 2021 ... Coffey Rd., Columbus, OH 43210 Curriculum Vita Senior Research Associate with the Lal Carbon Center. ... a negative emission technology: A synthesis of field research on greenhouse gas emissions. Journal of ...
