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Summer Grafting Workshop
Bono not included. The arboretum is at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. The ...
Delayed planting effects on corn yield: A “historical” perspective
parts of Ohio. Long term research by universities and seed companies across the Corn Belt gives us ...
Rainfastness of Fungicides in Wheat
have done some research on the rainfastness of Prosaro (plus a surfactant) for head scab control in ...
Five Things to Know about Fall Herbicide Treatments
control. Herbicides that make the most sense to add to 2,4-D based on our research: glyphosate, dicamba, ... spring. Our research has repeatedly shown that applying other residual herbicides in the fall to get ...
Assessing the risk of frost injury to late maturing corn
the corn crop. Dr. Bob Nielsen at Purdue University has summarized research findings from Indiana and ... black layer, R6). This research was conducted at two locations in Indiana (west central and southeast) ... likely to accumulate the GDDs required to achieve physiological maturity. The research results in Table ...
Manure Sidedress of Corn Research Plots from 2011-2015
Dairy and swine manure sidedress plot research has shown livestock manure to be an excellent ...
Collect and Share Rainfall Information Online
farmers and homeowners, this will benefit local, state, and national researchers by providing a source of ...
Northwest Ohio Corn-Soybean Day set for January 22
and coffee available as you visit exhibitors. After an on farm research update, the keynote speaker ...
Nitrogen Application to Soybean
averaged 43 to 75 bu/ac depending on location. This research will be repeated in 2014. One way to maximize ...
Moldy Corn, Kernel Sprouting and Upright Ears
orientation during the drydown period prior to harvest. In ongoing OSU field research that compares multiple ...