
Search results

  1. Tonima Rahman

    Tonima Rahman 166 Food Animal Health Research Building PI: Dr. J.C. ...

  2. Zegpi Lagos Lab

    Interactions Immune Responses in Chickens Vaccine Development     Maria Chellis Research Assistant ...

  3. Andres Velasco

    Research Focus: My research aims to evaluate corn's physiological, yield, and economic responses to ... agricultural scientist, I have a strong commitment to do research and help with extension in advancing corn ... opportunity to learn about corn and alternative crops in Ohio and to understand research and extension ...

  4. Student Wellness and Resources

    goals or undertaking a research project, have just begun planning your education or are getting ready to ...

  5. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Cameron Stephens

    colleagues from Israel, Australia, the EU, or Brazil and beyond coordinating research efforts, hearing how ... strategy/marketing and Global colleagues. My teammates and I will place these trials with various researchers ... throughout the country. I also have regional responsibility to manage all the research trials for herbicides, ...

  6. Faculty Expertise

    food processing, research and extension. Industry-related research projects on new technologies, product ... Qualitative research methods, ServSafe. Joint appointment  with Ohio State University Extension. V.M. (Bala) ... Flavor Research and Education Center Mary Kay Pohlschneider, Assistant Professor of ...

  7. Amy Hurst

    Research Focus: I'll be focused on sustainable and regenerative agriculture and urban agriculture, ...

  8. Jonathan Moore

    Autumn 2025 Research Focus: My research project is studying wheat and how different planting dates, and ... I immediately researched OSU and the HCS department and knew it would be a good fit for me and my interests. ... a graduate research project that allows me to continue pursuing my passion in agriculture while completing my ...

  9. Graduate Degree Options

    highest quality faculty and research experiences in the world. Our graduate program provides training and ...

  10. FST Special Edition Newsletter – 2023 Autumn Semester Graduation

    Science and Technology] Celeste Miller- Some of my favorite memories are: working in the research lab with ... part of a patent, and presenting research; going to football games; and attending college events. ... compelling research, partnering with the Know Food Waste club, and experiencing scientific conferences while ...
