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  1. Modified Relay Intercropping

    Long-term research at The Ohio State University's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center ... Research Results (All Plots in Crawford County.) 6-Year Average Yields in MRI System Year Soft Red Winter ... This research attests to the ability of the wheat plant to change its growth habit and thus continue to ...

  2. Strategies for Successful Health

    we have MyPlate, which was developed in 2011 with the most up-to-date research information available. ... shape. Research indicates that people with "apple shape" figures are at greater risk than those ... lifestyles, work and travel. According to the USDA, Economic Research Service: Americans spend more than 50 ...

  3. Effects of Lime and Gypsum Application on Vegetable Yields and Nutrient Availability in Muck Soil

    ANR-0102 Agriculture and Natural Resources 04/19/2022 Daiyanera Kelsey, Research Technician, The ... conducted from 2017–2021 at The Ohio State University Muck Crops Research Station in Willard, Ohio. An ...

  4. Drought-Tolerant Corn Hybrids: A Risk Management Tool for Ohio? Part 1

    research published on these hybrids in the Eastern Corn Belt (Roth et al., 2013). Performance of ... the Northwest Agricultural Research Station in Hoytville (NWARS), the Western Agricultural Research ... Station (WARS) near South Charleston, and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster ...

  5. Developing a Model to Measure Economic Change in an Energy Economy

    Development This fact sheet series is based on the original research from the project “Maximizing the Gains of ... Old and New Energy Development for America’s Rural Communities.” This series summarizes the research ... bust cycle that is difficult to predict. The research team developed a model to measure the economic ...

  6. Efficient Lawn Care Practices to Help Protect Ohio’s Waterways

    plants, they also help algae and other photosynthetic water organisms grow. Research has found that the ... Great Lakes. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Accessed August 1, 2023. PDF. ...

  7. Gender Issues: Preparing Children for a Lifetime of Success

    social science research say? Are women and men different or are they more alike than was commonly ... some research that was conducted in the mid-1970s but remains highly influential today. A Stanford ... research studies, Bem found that some individuals report themselves to have characteristics that are mainly ...

  8. Introduction to Mindfulness

    flow which triggers a relaxation response as well as feelings of well-being.  Mindfulness Research ... Research on mindfulness practices has spanned a variety of fields of study including but not limited to: ... etc. Research suggests that mindfulness training and practice is beneficial to the improvement and ...

  9. Nurturant Grandfathering: Let’s Get Involved

    the roles and responsibilities of grandfathers. Early scholarly research depicted grandfathers as the ... research paints a picture of grandfathers performing a wider range of roles, including being a surrogate ... in the fact sheets highlight the important connections between research and practice. They bring to ...

  10. Ohio Opportunity Zones in Community and Economic Development

    Leonard. 2018. "Assessing Opportunity Zones in Ohio." Policy Matters Ohio. ...
