
Search results

  1. Information and Research Internship

    USTA has an internship for this summer as an info/ research intern. Duties include performing ...

  2. ACEL Graduate Students Attend National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Annual Conference

    development professionals through professional development, networking, and research.  More than 1,600 ... Research Associate and ACEL MS student Dustin Homan presented two posters: the first titled “AND MY WORLD: ...

  3. University Extension Context

    Western Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research Extension Committee on Organization and Policy ...

  4. 2012 CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    The CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum was a successful event for all. Good luck to those going on ...

  5. Sheep Teaching and Research Center Manager

    manager to supervise its Sheep Teaching and Research Unit. This position will oversee and coordinate ...

  6. The Ohio Academy of Science Annual Meeting

    more students and professionals who may already be presenting their research on a campus this fall or ...

  7. Jackson Beef and Forage Day

    Jackson Beef and Forage Day Aug. 29. Registration deadline August 26. Ohio Agricultural Research ... and Development Center’s Jackson Agricultural Research Station, 019 Standpipe Road, Jackson. ...

  8. Ohio State Meat Judging Team Hosts the First Day of the SE Collegiate Meat Judging Contest

    learn about muscle biology; that’s what I plan to research,” said Kelley. “The things we learn about ...

  9. NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award- Outreach/Education/Diversity Workshop

    exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration ... of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities ... should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF ...

  10. In the News

    professor earns research award The Lantern: feat. Dr. Mike Lilburn Vanco honored with cattlemen’s club ...
