
Search results

  1. Improving Yields through Fertility Agronomy Day

    and On‐farm research results. Guest speakers include Dr. Steve Culman, OSU Extension State Fertility ...

  2. Hessian Fly-free Date: Good for Wheat, Cover Crops and Disease

    transmission occurs in the fall. Research showed that due to unfavorable weather conditions, the aphid ...

  3. Temperatures are Still Cool

    branches, these are the soil temperatures at 2.5 inches, from March 21: County Research Branch Temperature ...

  4. Delayed planting effects on corn yield: A “historical” perspective

    parts of Ohio. Long term research by universities and seed companies across the Corn Belt gives us ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-06

    Specialist on April 1 with a research/extension appointment. Dr Mullen is an Oklahoma native with an academic ... research program at Oklahoma State University included a variety of soil fertility areas with different ... Grazing Dairy in indiana” by Bob and Debbie Eash, Hudson, Indiana, “Forage Research Update” by Dr. Bill ...

  6. Endeavor Center and Small Business Development Center

    programs to help small businesses hire an export intern, conduct market research and improve export ...

  7. Rainfastness of Fungicides in Wheat

    have done some research on the rainfastness of Prosaro (plus a surfactant) for head scab control in ...

  8. OCARD receives award to host 2nd Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC-2)

    Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research and Development (OCARD) at the Ohio State University (OSU) South ...

  9. Building Great Partnerships

    visibility of educational and research programs both at the University of Rio Grande and The Ohio State ...

  10. Teaching and Learning

    the scholarship of teaching and learning, so we can collectively conduct research, deliver extension ... funded by the institution for the purpose of improving teaching (Rice, 2006). However, researchers have ... (Weimer, 2003, p. 49).  Teaching and Learning was identified as a high priority in the National Research ...
