
Search results

  1. Make Plans for Fall Weed Control

    Do not apply products or mixes containing 2,4-D POST to wheat in fall. Spring POST. In our research ...

  2. Argumentative Writing Workshop for Science, Social Studies, and English Language Arts Teachers

    Monday, June 12, 2017- 8:00am Workshop Information and Registration Byrd Polar and Climate Research ...

  3. Farm Science Review 2017 Set for Sept. 19-21

    about the latest agricultural innovations in research. Tickets are $7 and will sell online at ... demonstrations and displays are ongoing throughout the three days, said Zachrich. Research tours on water ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Alex Tebbe, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University ...

  5. New National 4-H/Farm Bureau Partnership

    and more than 3000 local Extension offices. The research-backed 4‑H experience grows young people ...

  6. Evangelical Presbyterian University College, Ghana- Parent-child agriculture technology transfer

    activities. Additionally, they are currently conducting research in parent-child technology transfer in ... stories from 32 storytellers in 8 small towns. By engaging students in primary research, students will ...

  7. Yum Science

    Flavor Research and Education Center's mission to make healthy foods more flavorful. "What ... makes us go "yum"? Scientists at the University of Minnesota's Flavor Research and ... Education Center are determined to find out. Through an open innovation model, researchers are collaborating ...

  8. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    some impressive research on energy utilization and gaseous emissions from animals. We visited Utrecht ... Wageningen University and the one at Utrecht University. The research facility at Dairy Campus aligned with ... facility in May 2016 with 550 cows, a 40-stall rotary parlor, and the capacity for conducting research in ...

  9. MN IFT Student Recognition

    Three PhD students from the Flavor Research and Education Center were presented with awards at the ... and to support research in Food Science. ...

  10. Looking for On-farm Nutrient Cooperators

    Tri-State Recommendations using more than just small plot studies at OSU research locations.  The goal is to ...
