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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-11
seed production. This is based partly on our research in producers’ no-till fields in the early 1990’s, ... both brand name and generic herbicides and insecticides in their research. We have typically not ... broadleaf plants in a manner similar to Stinger (clopyralid). Our research experience with Starane is ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-20
grain yield. Iowa state researchers forced V10 corn to “root lodge” at a 45 degree angle in plots with ... researchers concluded that “root lodging was more detrimental to biomass accumulation and grain yield than ... Agricultural Research Station on Wednesday, July 8. The tour of our research plots, which is self-directed in ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-08
agricultural sources into Ohio waters, spring placement could prove to have an important role. Researcher that ... typically costs more than it saves. Most research suggests that planting a hybrid at suboptimal seeding ... corn crop and substituting for 28% or other fertilizer N sources. Research on the application of manure ...
Sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematode – It’s time! - link to the 5th edition of the SCN guide developed through the North Central Soybean Research ...
Protecting Income Over Feed Cost Margin on U.S. Dairy Farms
Economic Research Service. Milk production costs and returns per hundredweight, by State, 2012). These ... call this mean-reverting behavior. Research on the behavior over time for dairy IOFC margins in the ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-28
Current research indicates the best way to control wild turnip in an alfalfa field (new or established) is ... established stand. Research plots were sprayed in late September, but too much competition with seedling ... some point in time. In grass only pastures, current research indicates the best way to control wild ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-30
diseases. Planting before this date has lowered yield by 7 to 20% in research trials due to disease and ... other, research-based wheat management recommendations on-line at ... Network newsletter throughout the year, provide scouting reports and conduct research. Also this year we ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-38
field resulting in the average number of beetles collected per trap per day. Research indicates that ... caused by seed coatings (Bill Lehmkuhl), and research results from the Bill Lehmkuhl’s farm plots. Annual ...
How do Corn Hybrids With and Without Various Transgenic Traits Perform?
According to the USDA-Economic Research Service in 2015, 85% of the state’s corn acreage was ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-29
research project with looked at the changes in SCN population over the growing season when susceptible, ... lower than you might expect. In test plots planted April 29 at the Western Agricultural Research Station ... also identifies hybrid characteristics that influence drying rates. Past Ohio research evaluating corn ...