
Search results

  1. HAB Detection, Mapping, and Warning Network: Sandusky Bay

    Investigator George Bullerjahn, Bowling Green State University Description Research at Bowling Green State ...

  2. HAB Detection, Mapping, and Warning Network: Maumee Bay Area

    Investigator Thomas Bridgeman, University of Toledo Description Research at the University of Toledo will make ...

  3. Yes, this is a repeat: Temperatures are still cool

    2.5 inches, from April 20 and on May 4: County                 Research Branch              ...

  4. Large Variation in Forage Grass Performance in 2014

    the differences we observed in 2014 in side-by-side forage grass trials at the Western Research ... Station of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center near South Charleston, OH. We tested four ...

  5. Predicting leaf development in corn using accumulated heat units

    characterized by two phases. Purdue University research indicates that from VE to V10 (ten leaf collars), leaf ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-28

    How many races? I read that preliminary research Identified more than a dozen different Fusarium ... in the Dept. of Plant Pathology has done an enormous amount of research on this compound. The link ... Farming Education Research program, scientists will discuss results and seek comments for future ...

  7. Rethinking Gramoxone at a Reduced Price

    has activity on marestail. In our soybean research, Gramoxone alone rarely was adequate on marestail ...

  8. Insect Concerns for Late Planting

    doing research to find new solutions for its control.  Soybean: As much soybean hasn’t been planted, ...

  9. Farmer Led Water Quality Monitoring-Initial Results and Request for Participants

    help with a water monitoring research project looking at Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus (DRP) losses ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-25

    are just two of the many research findings over the past few years. Thus, it is highly likely that for ... symptoms during different growth periods. The following summarizes findings of Iowa research by Claassen ... poor conditions, genetic differences in variety, or other damage. Extensive research has shown that ...
