
Search results

  1. Ukrainian Ag Econ Professors Improve Skillsets at Ohio State through USDA Faculty Exchange Program

    new knowledge through research, and disseminate this new knowledge and innovative practices to a wide ...

  2. Hands-on Agronomy Education Nurtures Senegalese Farming Future

    research on site. An immediate problem the farmers face is the amount of time it takes to plant up to five ...

  3. Report Shows How to Say Goodbye to Harmful Algal Blooms

    quality,” he said. The researchers chose the Maumee watershed because it has the most impact on the Western ...

  4. Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders, One 4-H Member at a Time

    programs are research-based. “We have excellent curriculum materials that have been created and reviewed by ...

  5. Drought Stressed Corn as Silage

    research trials have demonstrated that the oxygen barrier 2-step products have reduced losses more than ...

  6. Graduate student conducts research on rabies transmission in Ethiopa as a part of One Health

    in a research mission to Ethiopia this past summer as a part of the  One Health Initiative. Laura and ... containers. Most significant to our research project was the fact that dogs were everywhere! The dog, or ...

  7. Announcing a New On-line Resource for Farm Safety & Health

    questions. eXtension, a national research and educational based website supported by 74 land grant ...

  8. Farm Science Review to be held September 16-18

    University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (known as the Ohio Agricultural ...

  9. Animal Welfare Specialist Expanding Reach in Ohio

    school, said she hopes her combined background in veterinary science and animal welfare research will help ...

  10. Generation of porcine transgenic cell line targeting heart-specific gene expression for xenotransplantation

    Principal Investigator: Kichoon Lee, Animal Sciences Collaborator: Rural Development Administration of the Republic of Korea     Description: The primary impact of this project will be the identification of a new set of heart specific genes in pigs and us ...
